The Global Ecclesiastical Leadership Alliance (The Alliance) is a fellowship of Christian leaders who are intent on serving Jesus Christ in His vineyard, to bring growth to the Ecclesia of God with the goal of seeking connectedness and mentorship in ministry.
GELA was born out of the Ecclesiastical Excellences Summit, an informal school for upcoming Christian leaders seeking to bring their ministry to higher and effective levels.
The main gathering of the Alliance is "the Summit." EES will transition from a school setting to an annual Leadership Summit open to leaders at all levels, but with exclusive sessions for the Global Ecclesiastical Leadership Alliance (GELA) members. Participants will still pay to attend.
Membership: The alliance is open to all who are eligible but on voluntary basis. To join, one will have to fill reason(s) for exiting. an application form, to exit one will have to notify the secretariat in writing and if possible, reason(s) for exiting.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Accountability Forum: Establish a forum within the Alliance that fosters accountability among its leadership. members, promoting transparency and mutual support under the guidance of the network's leadership.
2. Fellowship Platform: Create a robust platform for fellowship among member ministers, encouraging the exchange of experiences, insights, and support in the journey of serving God within the church.
3. Synergistic Environment: Facilitate a space within the Alliance for the synergy of spiritual gifts and the body of Christ. other ministry endowments, fostering collaboration and mutual empowerment for the common good of the body of Christ.
4. Uplifting Programs: Develop opportunities within the Alliance for refreshers and spiritually uplifting calling of serving God in the church. programs, ensuring continuous growth, renewal and inspiration for all members engaged in the noble calling of serving God in the church.
5. Mentorship Program: The alliance will provide a mentorship program, connecting seasoned leaders with emerging ministers to provide guidance, wisdom, and support in their respective journeys of leadership and service.
6. Global Outreach Initiatives: Foster a sense of global responsibility among the Alliance members by organizing and participating in outreach initiatives, missions, and collaborative projects that contribute to the advancement of the Gospel on a global scale.
Rita (Ministry Admin) - +256 782 456282 Gerald (coordinator) - +256 782 890034